The Brussels Journey - Beer and Chocolate Tours i Brussel

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BelgienThe Brussels Journey - Beer and Chocolate Tours



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110, Grasmarkt Straat, 1000, Brussel, BE België
kontakter telefon: +32 499 25 93 06
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.846516, Longitude: 4.3551108

kommentar 5

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    Rachel Everett


    We booked this tour last minute during our stay in Brussels and I am so glad we did. The chocolate was the best I have ever had in my life and the beers were fantastic. Not only that but the amount we got was incredible as well! What made the tour 5 stars was our guide (Adrien) you could really see that he was passionate about Brussels and he made the whole tour so much fun. He was also so knowledgeable about anything and everything we had to ask. I would highly recommend this tour to anyone visiting Brussels. (I would also do this on one of the first days of your stay because there are so many recommendations of other places you can go)

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    Katherine Anderson


    Amazing tour! I took the beer and chocolate walking tour and it was perfect. She took us to great places that where not the typical tourist stops and had amazing recommendations on top of having great knowledge of the local beer & chocolate. I would even take it again because of the great people you get to meet in the group.

  • en

    James Spencer


    A great way to experience the city and everything it has to offer. Daniel has a vast knowledge of the city and offered some amazing insight. The chocolate samples were divine and the beer even better. Would definitely recommend.

  • Nigel Yapa

    Nigel Yapa


    This tour is great! Met some new people along with a two great guides that made this experience well worth the money and possibly the best thing to do in Brussels! 100% would recommend.

  • Parichay Mehta

    Parichay Mehta


    We took the Beer & Chocolate Tour & it was the best decision ever. The price of the tour is completely justified because they took us to 4 shops to eat chocolates & then 3 pubs to experience the beers of Belgium. Baptist & Daniel were amazing guides. They were funny, knowledgable & they conducted the tour very well. Journey to Brussels is incomplete without taking the Beer & Chocolate Tour with The Brussels Journey.

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