Taverne Greenwich Bruxellles in Bruxelles

BelgiëTaverne Greenwich Bruxellles



🕗 openingstijden

7, Rue des Chartreux, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 540 88 78
website: www.greenwich-cafe.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.848958, Longitude: 4.347177

opmerkingen 5

  • Chih-Kang Chou

    Chih-Kang Chou


    Delicious mussels. A must eat.

  • George Zlenko

    George Zlenko


    Food was good, desert was ok, service could be way better. The interior is absolutely beautiful.

  • Tiberiu Breazu

    Tiberiu Breazu


    Service perfect, food excellent! Great expirience!

  • en

    Arnau Vilanova


    Awful service. They treated us with arrogance and bad manners. Place is nice but the service is terrible. One hour waiting for take note, more waiting for the meal, they served other people that just arrived before us. We asked (a group of 20 people) if something were happening two times and they answered churlishly. Some waiters no have manners and very bad behaviours. Maybe just for a coffe place but, we're sure many places feel better its customers than them. Not recommend.

  • Giorgio Berardi

    Giorgio Berardi


    This restaurant is a work of art in itself. Sitting in high-ceilinged halls like these, including stepping downstairs to a fully-in-sight, vintage "urinoir", is like jumping back a century. The Taverne Greenwich, however, does not rely only on its historical heritage, but it compounds it with hearty food, served in generous portions by friendly and competent staff. Well worth a visit, and a comeback, too.

Bar in de buurt

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