Les Caves du Sablon in Bruxelles

BelgiëLes Caves du Sablon


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

9, Rue des Pigeons, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgia
contacten telefoon: +32 2 513 12 20
website: www.lescavesdusablon.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8410044, Longitude: 4.3534017

opmerkingen 5

  • Emily Small

    Emily Small


    The tasting menu is amazing! Staff is friendly and dedicated. The atmosphere is intament and cozy. Very reasonablly priced. Highly recommended for an evening out with friends or someone special.

  • fr



    Super adresse si vous voulez changer de cadre quand vous mangez. Lieu chaleureux et surtout SUPER BONNE BOUFFE

  • Pedro Malaquias

    Pedro Malaquias


    This is a very good restaurant. Although expensive, the excellent wine (ask the staff for wine suggestions), good food (in a small menu) and great staff (great suggestions of wine to accompany the dishes; almost invisible, unless you need them; easily change between french and english) make it a great option for dinner.

  • it

    Cate Verde


    Passabile ma per quel prezzo mi aspetto molto di più..e la meringa industriale della Pavlova è stata imbarazzante .. il servizio cortese... il luogo è caratteristico ... forse vale la pena andare come enoteca e non ristorante

  • fr

    Amy Mampwini


    Très agréable moment passé avec ma compagne . Cuisine très raffinée et peu cher si l'on considère la haute qualité des produits . Service au top et carte des vins épatante. Bravo !

Bar in de buurt

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