Océade i Brussel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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3, Voetballaan, 1020, Brussel, BE Belgium
kontakter telefon: +32 2 478 43 20
internet side: www.oceade.be
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Latitude: 50.8944207, Longitude: 4.3367297

kommentar 5

  • Ahmad Matahen

    Ahmad Matahen


    Very nice experience in Oceade water park, you can spend the whole day easily there with the kids, food is not that good though, in specific times, queuing for food can be very long. It is recommended to go there in warm days to benefit from the outdoor playing area. Too bad they are planning to close it soon.

  • en

    andrej krnac


    Nice place, saunas jacuzzi bur small swimming pools just for kids. Impossible to swim more.

  • Thibault Molleman

    Thibault Molleman


    Going on Thursday is great because it's not busy at all. Which is much more enjoyable. The new Saunaland is great to go relax after going on the slides.

  • René Rens

    René Rens


    Nice water park with 4 big water slides and big pool with waves, mostly indoor but also some outdoor areas. A good area for the smaller kids as well.

  • Adam Brand

    Adam Brand


    This is the chaos museum at its finest! If you are stupid enough to wait in the entry queue you will see how countless rowdy youngsters pass you by. If you complain to the guards they will do nothing. People hit the doors of the changing rooms, yelling. The garbage on the dirty floor includes used condoms. The pinnacle of the customer service experience was seeing a piece of fresh human feeces near a water slide. People were laughing when somebody stepped barefoot in it evenly spreading around the place. Bacteria 1 - hygiene 0. But you will still go, because it is close to Brussels. Enjoy!

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