Lowy by La Wetterenoise i Brussel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BelgienLowy by La Wetterenoise


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12, Taborastraat, 1000, Brussel, BE Belgium
kontakter telefon: +32 2 217 46 65
internet side: www.lowy.be
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Latitude: 50.8480631, Longitude: 4.3514836

kommentar 5

  • Denis Vogel

    Denis Vogel


    AVOID. They sold me a day old baguette. They have no soul.

  • Paulo Inacio

    Paulo Inacio


    Horrible service. Run by rude manager. Shouts at customers because they pay with debit cards. Bread and cakes aren't that good, not tasty, or crunchy. Its considered by many Belgian as sub-standard. Don't bother to have breakfast here, look for the nearby Cafe Paul.

  • en

    Christophe Muguet


    Good and correctly priced

  • Patrick VanB

    Patrick VanB


    small shop. easy to take a coffee and a croissant in the morning. snacks and sandwiches for lunch

  • Simon Butcher

    Simon Butcher


    Their coffee isn't very good, and it's not a comfortable place to sit for a while, but I think they probably have some of the best pastries in the centre of Brussels.

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