Le Cercle - Club Clandestin i Bruxelles

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BelgienLe Cercle - Club Clandestin


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20, Rue Sainte-Anne, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
kontakter telefon: +32 471 50 18 76
internet side: www.clubclandestin.be
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Latitude: 50.8414165, Longitude: 4.3559217

kommentar 5

  • Shikha Malhotra

    Shikha Malhotra


    Very pretentious place , staff up themselves down right homophobic, my best friend who is gay was insulted by the bouncer and not let in for being gay, pretty shocking in this day and age. They behave like you are about to walk into the George V which is an insult to the George V. I wouldn’t bother with this place specially when the owner himself leave his own bar to have a beer next door... Do yourself a favour and go elsewhere, many other places in Brussels to have good time, don’t waste your money there and go somewhere where people from all walk of lives are accepted. This place should be boycotted. Unfortunately there isn’t an option to leave zero star otherwise I would have done so :/

  • Gabriel Mirica

    Gabriel Mirica


    Nice, small place... good for socializing not for dancing... good if only 40-50 inside

  • Ajitesh Sharma

    Ajitesh Sharma


    Nice place, hard to find in lanes , good atmosphere; Photo machine is cool

  • Radu Neagoe

    Radu Neagoe


    Nice place for a party in Brussels, it's locating in the luxurious part of the city. It had many owners throughout the years and some nice Dj mixed there.

  • en

    lucrezia fratocchi


    Nice disco where to go really close to the city center. Amazing neighborhood Sablon.

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