Hotel Moon Eat And Sleep i Sint-Niklaas

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BelgienHotel Moon Eat And Sleep


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18, Richard van Britsomstraat, 9100, Sint-Niklaas, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
kontakter telefon: +32 3 337 14 02
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Latitude: 51.1684378, Longitude: 4.1401309

kommentar 5

  • en



    Excellent hotel, with great comm's from the owners prior to arrival. Very close to the railway station without being disturbed by the trains, and fantastic for a Christmas visit to the town centre. Spotlessly clean, very quiet and beautifully appointed throughout, with friendly, helpful staff. Never stayed at a boutique hotel before, but Hotel Moon has made a convert out of me. Highly recommended, deserve to do well.

  • en

    Mitja Kolbl


    Nice hotel!!!!

  • en

    Leon Routs


    Great hotel with beautiful rooms. Parking outside can be hit and miss. However some spaces are reserved a bit further away. Just ask at reception. Nice continental breakfast.

  • Noah Gentry

    Noah Gentry


    Great B&B in the small town of Sint-Niklaas. Central location to Brussels, Ghent, and Antwerp. Clean, modern, friendly, and fairly priced. Private parking available.

  • Evgueni Smoliar

    Evgueni Smoliar


    Very strange place for hotel No parking . hotel is in front of the school don't expect quiet sleep at this place

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