Ebrius Artis in Bruxelles

BelgiëEbrius Artis


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

6, Place Rouppe, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 485 68 74 06
website: www.ebrius.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8432132, Longitude: 4.3458144

opmerkingen 5

  • Theo Lavanchy

    Theo Lavanchy


    Bonnes interactions, on a aimé jouer au kicker, boire des bières pas trop chères, la terrasses et la mezzanine en bois.

  • François Petri

    François Petri


    Configuration du lieu assez bizarre. Faire attention à ne se pas cogner au plafond et poutre (alors que je suis pas grand ) . Mais agréable terrasse pour l' été .

  • en

    Leandro Rabbone


    Very very nice place. Unfortunately when I went the personal wasn't very kind and the others client's uneducated as well. Hope I was unlucky, seems very students only place.

  • Rémi Ninon

    Rémi Ninon


    The place is really nice. Comfy and lot of space :) Mostly students are there so you can have a good time there ! Prices are good, beers also :)

  • Zoé Masson

    Zoé Masson


    A very nice bar, very cosy and not very touristic. A lot a young belgian people goes there. it's a small bar with many floors, just great to chill down a bit.

Bar in de buurt

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