Délices & Caprices i Brussel

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BelgienDélices & Caprices



🕗 åbningstider

68, Beenhouwersstraat, 1000, Brussel, BE België
kontakter telefon: +32 2 512 14 51
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Latitude: 50.8474555, Longitude: 4.3558312

kommentar 5

  • Пелых Денис

    Пелых Денис


    Цены завышены очень

  • Patrick VanB

    Patrick VanB


    great place to discover beers. visit with an idea, or just ask for help. and, if you have time, sit and discover some of the specialities. from the bottles to the glasses. an hidden place in Brussels, but like a jewel, you'll love it

  • Jeff Rooks

    Jeff Rooks


    My wife and I recently spent two weeks in Brussels and we visited Pierre at Délices & Caprices several times to both drink in and take away a few bottles of beer. Pierre is extremely knowledgeable about every beer he carries and every bottle he opened for us included a brief history of the brewery and specifics about the individual beer. This is not a tourist trap, but a hidden gem worthy of the most discriminating beer fanatic or anyone seeking to learn about and enjoy incredible beers. I can’t wait to return to Brussels so I can visit Pierre and Délices & Caprices again.

  • en

    Jim Prendergast


    If you want a place where you can savor and learn the story behind what is in your glass, then this is the place. Pierre and Anne singlehandedly changed my approach to beer. I have a brand new appreciation for how unique each of their offerings are. Any place that is closed Tuesday and Wednesday so he can travel the country sourcing new product from monks and local beer societies is worth a few hours of your time. The local meats and cheeses that he pairs with different beers are a nice touch as well. Pierre even opened up at 8am for a group of us who had a 6 hour layover traveling from Kenya to the States to do a tasting session with us. Who else has beers that paired with the fresh croissants...

  • en

    Brent Hartley


    To experience the best of Belgian beer and hospitality, walk a few short blocks from the Grand Place, through St Hubert's, and visit Pierre in his beer shop. He is extremely knowledgeable (he offers 2-hr classes by arrangement), fluent and friendly in several languages. The beer selection is wide and seems hand-picked from amongst the best and most original beer flavors. My bottles were wrapped with care to survive the plane ride home (I wasn't so lucky elsewhere). Worth the trip, if only for a photo of his beautifully arranged front window.

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