Cup 28° i Bruxelles

BelgienCup 28°



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34, Rue du Bailli, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
kontakter telefon: +32 2 831 96 93
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Latitude: 50.8264046, Longitude: 4.3619678

kommentar 5

  • Zach Stanford

    Zach Stanford


    Very friendly staff and nice atmosphere. However, we waited 45 minutes for our pancakes—in my experience, pancakes do not require that much preparation time. The “six pancakes” were also quite small so it was not as much food as I was expecting. Great if you are not pressed for time, but don’t expect a quick stop for breakfast at this place.

  • Linh Nguyen

    Linh Nguyen


    The place is quite cosy. It’s good for working or friend meet up. Nice terrace outside. The only down size is the kitchen was closed until 10:30 when I came in so I couldn’t try other things and I’m on tight schedule so I don’t know whether I should wait or not. But overall good local coffee and nice menu it seems

  • en

    Hasna Oudaha


    I enjoyed the American pancakes and Bubble waffle. Especially the bubble waffle is worth trying! And the staff is really friendly! I'll definitely go back.

  • Christina C

    Christina C


    Great coffee & brunch place! Try the oat cappuccino! One of the best ones I’ve had so far in Brussels !Very friendly staff & reasonable prices!

  • Evangelia Sylleliadou

    Evangelia Sylleliadou


    One of the best cafes in Brussels! It's small and pretty, you need to be patient to get a table. The service is impeccable, friendly and fast. The sweets DIVINE, bubble waffles, donuts , carrot cake. The coffees are large and original. Worth the wait, and we will be coming back!

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