Apple België i Brussel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BelgienApple België



🕗 åbningstider

Gulden Vlieslaan 26-28, 1050 Brussel, 1050 Brussel, Belgia
kontakter telefon: +32 800 81 685
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.8365358, Longitude: 4.3581779

kommentar 5

  • lord le grand foxi

    lord le grand foxi


    C'est le "Metro" aux heures d'affluences, mais tout le temps. Fort heureusement il y a suffisamment de vendeurs vendeuses, pour vous cueillir, répondre a vos questions et vous servir. C'est Américain : "efficacité rentabilité"

  • Count Sky

    Count Sky


    Goede service, niet lang moeten wachten en DOA werdt goed opgelost met een nieuw toestel!!

  • en

    Alex As


    After calling them about the need of changing my battery, and them testing it from where they were, I received a mail confirming my "battery will arrive in 2 to 5 weeks". It took almost 5 complete weeks for my battery to get there (at least to have one reserved). I went there on a Monday at 05:15 PM and they took care of the replacement in approximately one and a half hour. My phone was less than 2 years old, so still under warranty, but when talking with the technician, he explained my phone had been charged 604 times, which is more than the 5XX they are willing to cover for a battery, as they consider it's a wearing part. Also, as I gave them my phone and started walking around, I wondered how they'd find me to tell me the repair had been done. They didn't. After an hour and 15 minutes, i asked one of the workers if my phone was ready and he literally told me "I can see on my iPad someone is running around with your phone". He then told me to sit at a particular spot, and a few minutes later someone arrived with my phone while yelling my name around. When he gave me my phone back, their invoicing system agreed with me -> I didn't had to pay the newly required 29€ as my phone was still less then 2 years old. So at the end not that bad : 4*

  • SuperMarkizas



    If you are looking to buy - no problem. If, however, you have issues with your product, then a complete mess. I needed to have my computer diagnostics, online calendar wasn't an option since it was all booked up for 2 weeks (no possibility to get online appointment past that date). Had to go to live line in the store, they register at the spot, but can't indicate how long you will wait. Only 2 people working at help desk. I waited 3.5 hours. They ran simple test, said all is fine even though my computer didn't work properly. Went to another Apple dealership, they checked it out, apparently I needed my ssd disk changed. Thanks for nothing.

  • Danielli S

    Danielli S


    piękny sklep bardzo dobrze zaopatrzony :)

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