Appart'City Lille Grand Palais - Appart Hôtel in Lille

BelgiëAppart'City Lille Grand Palais - Appart Hôtel


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

19, Rue Berthe Morisot, 59000, Lille, Nord, FR France
contacten telefoon: +33 3 28 16 82 00
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.6288742, Longitude: 3.0814608

opmerkingen 5

  • Fernando Pilarte

    Fernando Pilarte


    Not very clean.

  • en

    Nicolas Zorzin


    Expect minimum services and closed reception most of the time. Dead area, far from center. Do not count on sleeping on Saturday night though, people are shouting in the street and get drunk in front of your window. Cigarette smoke get into the rooms, etc. Hell of a time with a baby and a cat.

  • en

    Martijn van Erp


    Nice rooms, we had no view unfortunately (just a dirty window with plants all in front). Bathroom was fine, plenty of towels. The 3rd bed was the couch, 4th bed was a matress under the couch, both not so wide... Overall stay was fine though, but wouldn't recommend for longer stays.

  • Jacques O'Connell

    Jacques O'Connell


    Very basic accomodation. Nothing special here folks....

  • Greg Grimer

    Greg Grimer


    Friend of mine called Salah Abdeslam stayed there last week. Haven't heard from him since.

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