L'Hermitage Gantois, Autograph Collection in Lille

BelgiëL'Hermitage Gantois, Autograph Collection



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
224, Rue Pierre Mauroy, 59000, Lille, Nord, FR France
contacten telefoon: +33 3 20 85 30 30
website: www.marriott.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.631257, Longitude: 3.067753

opmerkingen 5

  • Shahrukh Khalid

    Shahrukh Khalid


    Liked our stay and would come again. Loved the staff! Super nice, wonderful and welcoming. I was so impressed by thier hospitality and professionalism! The hotel room was on the ground floor so slightly noisy. Perhaps some carpeting would help in the hallway to cancel out the sound of people walking. Rooms are nice and spacious, but bathrooms could cleaner (stained floors). WiFi was poor in the room so had to go to reception area for good connection. Good spa facilities, warm pool (yay!) and fantastic massage treatments (tried the Singaporean massage). Close to the center, 15 minute walk from lille europe train station, restaurants walking distance and just plesant and.enjoyable overall. Definitely recommend!

  • yoloyoloyoloyo



    Location: 224 Rue Pierre Mauroy, 59000 Lille, France. 5 minute drive to the train station. Rooms: Clean and organised, bathrooms were generous with toiletries, complimentary water bottles provided. Great experience staying overnight. Service: Hotel staff were friendly and guided us to our room

  • Michael Strong

    Michael Strong


    Only went for drinks and the brasserie. Lovely atmosphere in one of Lille's best hotels, great prices and exceptional staff. Will try and book a room next time we visit. Viva Lille!

  • betty hackbarth

    betty hackbarth


    Beautiful place, just very unique. Nice, large bedrooms. Beautiful bar area, nice piano bar music.

  • Mikko Vastela

    Mikko Vastela


    Excellent hotel. Very nice rooms, quiet and calm atmosphere of the past. Yet very modern and well equipped. Nice staff.

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