Zimmerhotel i Lier

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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4, Aarschotsesteenweg, 2500, Lier, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
kontakter telefon: +32 3 480 80 85
internet side: www.zimmer-hotel.com
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Latitude: 51.1244586, Longitude: 4.5752772

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tomas Auruškevičius


    Nonsmoking room stinks from smoking. Hotel worn out. Breakfast average. WiFi password was written with mistakes, no one cares to correct it and help customers. Not happy about staying.

  • en

    Elisa Bassani


    Really really bad!!! So Dirty, they put other people in the room where there was already one of my colleagues, everything smells really bad, really old rooms and furniture... insects in the bathroom... Ah and never give to them your id for registration because they lose it!!! I put one star but this hotel deserve 0




    Simply fantastic and awesome

  • Drikus Cronje

    Drikus Cronje


    Below average motel - place needs a lot of TLC - needs Carpets, painting and repairs. Ants in our room bed broken dirt on the floor and shower smelt terrible. Breakfast is average - only some rooms have aircon.

  • en

    Hayley Stevens


    Terrible place. We UPGRADED (!!!) to the Zimmerhotel from the neighbouring NRG Hotel. The hotel NRG looked derelict, you had to check in at the neighbouring Zimmerhotel (part of Best Western) which wasn't remotely clear. We were quickly up sold an upgrade to the Zimmerhotel, we were told this included a breakfast. To be honest, we were keen not to stay at the grim and insecure (door just open, nobody there) NRG. There was no breakfast available when we left at 7am, even though we were told we could have it at 6.30am, we ate yesterday's stale croissants, not a member of staff in sight so we helped ourselves to juice from the store cupboard. Worse of all we spotted blood specks on our beds and all of us, particularly our 3 year old son had bite marks, throughout the day these developed and became sore and itchy and research confirmed our suspicions of bed bugs. Unfortunately our son had around 60-70 bites and had a bad reaction, his bites blistered and burst, three weeks later his skin is still marked. DO NOT STAY HERE!!!

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