Yyoga in Brussel




🕗 openingstijden

39B, Brandhoutkaai, 1000, Brussel, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 2 201 74 97
website: www.yyoga.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8524886, Longitude: 4.3481309

opmerkingen 5

  • Isabelle



    Very nice place in Brussels to do hot yoga!

  • Louise Levicky

    Louise Levicky


    I have mixed feelings about this place. I want to love it but find it slightly pretentious and have had some odd interactions. I've been twice, once to hatha and once to hot yoga. The space is lovely and it smells amazing, the teachers are thorough, but I find the process at the counter before classes really stressful and crowded. Both times I've been I found the instructors manning the counter quite abrupt and stressed and that's something I pick up on - always feels a bit chaotic. But maybe that's just part and parcel of having big classes with a really flexible booking system. Otherwise, expect a very "western" yoga experience with lots of Lululemon-like apparel. Bit of a turn-off for me but don't let it distract you from the classes, which as I said are excellent.

  • Telma Martins

    Telma Martins


    Vast selection of yoga styles although hot yoga is prominant in the evenings. Good teachers and appealing atmosphere and facilities. Prices are on the expensive side but the discovery pass and the monthly unlimited membership are quite good value for money.

  • Noémie M

    Noémie M


    Profs très pros, établissement très propre et qui sent bon. Si comme moi vous recherchez la relaxation et que vous avez des douleurs (hanches, dos notamment), je vous conseille vivement Eeva les samedis et dimanches. Attention, il faut être ponctuel car une fois le cours commencé, plus personne ne peut y entrer. Accessoirement, très belle boutique où vous trouverez tout ce dont vous avez besoin et uniquement de la très bonne qualité.

  • Dennis Bank

    Dennis Bank


    Sehr gut

Sportschool in de buurt

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