Yup Hotel - Different Hotels de Hasselt

BelgiqueYup Hotel - Different Hotels



🕗 horaire

Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
52, Thonissenlaan, 3500, Hasselt, Limburg, BE Belgien
contact téléphone: +32 11 23 11 11
site web: www.yuphotel.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.9326685, Longitude: 5.334019

commentaires 5

  • Harpal Singh

    Harpal Singh


    Went to book a room for 10 days one afternoon. There was no one on front desk for 15 mins, then a school student who's part-timer there and clearly had no professional experience or sense of good customer service thoroughly pissed me off by not knowing answers to most simple questions with most responses - Ask my boss, come back later. It may be that most bookings are online and there isn't much work for front office. Nonetheless, no, thank you. 2 stars for the beautiful restaurant / lounge area. Very millennial - stands out from the bunch of standard hotels in area, right up my alley :)

  • ru

    Александр Дикарев


    Уютно. Хороший персонал. Только окна не плотные и комнаты очень маленькие. Хотя кровати роскошные. Чисто, опрятно и... дорого. Был примерно в 7-8 разных номерах.

  • Britta Baele

    Britta Baele


    We zijn tevreden over de vriendelijkheid van het personeel, het ontbijt en de inrichting en faciliteiten van de kamer. Maar wij vroegen een rustige kamer, en we kregen een kamer (207) dicht bij de lift en aan de kant van de drukke baan(Met constant verkeer en nachtlawaai op straat). De isolatie van de kamer is verre van optimaal: het leek wel of het raam de hele tijd open stond. Daarom raden wij dit hotel niet aan als je een goede nachtrust wil.

  • Pol Warnimont

    Pol Warnimont


    The overall experience was okay. But bad things first: The first thing that we sadly noticed was that the staff at the check-in was pretty unfriendly. No one at the check-in has told us what you can do in Hasselt or gave us any other information about the city and life there. The only words that we exchanged were the WiFi Password and the Room number. Another thing that bothered us were the stains/dirt left on the walls and toilet. For that price, I expect a spotless and clean room. The good things are that the concept of the hotel is nice. I like the overall design of the "cabins". Also, the staff that was there for the check-out was very friendly and open to discuss about the small issues that we had with our room. Come on guys, I know you can do better. We'll see us the next time.

  • Roel Thys

    Roel Thys


    Didn't sleep in this hotel, but we had our Christmas dinner in the Italian restaurant which is part of the hotel. The restaurants has a dark but trendy decoration and it feels quite cosy. The food was very nice. And the plates were presented very originally. The appetizer on a huge wooden plank for all to share. And the pasta main dish was served in frying pans on the table, also for all to share. The staff was a bit inexperienced, which caused some waiting times for drinks. But their friendliness made up for that.

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