Youth Hostel in Luxembourg

BelgiëYouth Hostel



🕗 openingstijden

2, Rue du Fort Olisy, 2261, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contacten telefoon: +352 26 27 66 65 0
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 49.613009, Longitude: 6.138067

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    DunKai Koh


    Pretty good price for its location. Bit pricier but Luxemburg is expensive in general. Breakfast was included so you could save a bit of cash

  • Ben Sottilare

    Ben Sottilare


    Very nice, modern hostel that includes free breakfast! Would stay again!

  • Nora Schillinger

    Nora Schillinger


    Overall everything got sorted and the staff was very attending when we had problems, but I wish we didn't have problems to solve, like long check in, booking two beds in a mixed dorm, then being sent to a men's dorm with one free bed, then Luxembourgish smell of cigarettes on our floor. That said they solved our lack of bed problem so had a nice stay.

  • Aileen Rueda-DaCosta

    Aileen Rueda-DaCosta


    I’m giving it 3 stars because it was sanitary and gave me what I typically ask for when it comes to hostel stays. It feels like a dorm though. And there are quite a few hidden prices. For a large towel it is €10 but you get €7 back once you checkout (still, that is €3 for 1 towel). The beds are fine, you have to make and unmake your bed as you arrive and leave. They offer a shuttle service but when I asked if I could be taken to the train station they told me it runs from 8am-10am (and I checked out at 9:30am so I don’t understand why they couldn’t help me out). All in all, it was an okay price, I’m assuming for the area. It was clean, and there was food.

  • Emina Omeragić

    Emina Omeragić


    Basic rooms but with very comfy beds! It is quiet and calm, you can have a good rest. Breakfast is normal, with enough options to choose from. However it could last a bit longer (breakfast time ends at 9am). Bring your own soap, as there is no soap in the bathroom, which I found really strange.

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