Yogalife Brussels de Brussels

BelgiqueYogalife Brussels


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Wolvengracht - 38 - Fossé aux Loups, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 493 81 18 13
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.850228, Longitude: 4.3551761

commentaires 4

  • Shweta Bhanot

    Shweta Bhanot


    I really enjoy YOGALIFE has a personal approach, support, guidance allowing us to dive deep in yoga.

  • Micaela Preguerman

    Micaela Preguerman


    I signed up in Yogalife Teacher Training with the intention to deepen my yoga knowledge to be able to design my own practice at home… what I got was a life-changing experience beyond my expectations: wonderful, experienced teachers that thought me to teach from my heart and encouraged me to find my own style. I specially loved the training approach of self-development and the perfect combination of yogic philosophy and modern facilitation and coaching skills.

  • Manoj Bhanot

    Manoj Bhanot


  • Liesbeth Thiers

    Liesbeth Thiers


    Wonderful organisation to learn yoga and dive deeper!

Gym la plus proche

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