Yoga Everest Brussels - Uccle in Uccle

BelgiëYoga Everest Brussels - Uccle



🕗 openingstijden

31, Rue Ernest Gossart, 1180, Uccle, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8105055, Longitude: 4.3628283

opmerkingen 5

  • Vanda Valastyán

    Vanda Valastyán


    A cosy yoga studio with amazing teachers! It has such a calm and friendly atmosphere, just what you need as a beginner yogi. :) Highly recommend it!

  • en

    Maud Bostvironois


    Nice place where you can practice yoga with love. You can choose between a large variety of yoga styles. Small groups and good follow-up.

  • erica seidita

    erica seidita


    Clean and bright new place where to practice yoga. I love the positive and relaxing atmosphere. I tried different courses and different teachers. All of them are very professional, passionate and patience to demonstrate the best way ( or better your way, depending your level) to practice. I fully recommend it! Best place for me!

  • Elena Con

    Elena Con


    Such a warm hearted space. Lovely energy, wonderful, dedicated people. It is a completely different experience. It is not just a yoga place. The experience is educational, playful, joyful and gives you that much needed state of tranquility and spaciousness to grow

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    Adriana Ruiz


    Really cozy yoga studio. Small class size makes it feel intimate and private. Great teachers who really care about your development. Really fast response to any questions. Loved it!

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