XL Carwash in Kontich

BelgiëXL Carwash



🕗 openingstijden

19, Prins Boudewijnlaan, 2550, Kontich, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 3 448 30 57
website: www.xlcarwash.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.143994, Longitude: 4.4355191

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Sven Crabbé


    A little expensive but worth it. Super professional wash Street and very good service.

  • Andrew Turner

    Andrew Turner


    Great car wash. Good loyalty program.

  • Flip Van Waeyenberghe

    Flip Van Waeyenberghe


    Never a glitch! As it should be! I love their mat cleaners, and the mat perfume too. Free vacuum cleaners on both sides of the car. Best carwash ever.

  • en

    Vincent Van Minnebruggen


    Fast service, free vacuuming.

  • Neda MN

    Neda MN


    The guys at the enterance assured me that my car would be clean if I chose the most expensive option. I did as I wanted to get rid of the insects sticking all over the front. Not only the insects were still there but there was suddenly no one to explain me what to do next. I left and went to a hand car wash and paid again to get the insects removed. It was not professional to promise something which eventually was not sure.

Carwash in de buurt

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