Wittamer de Bruxelles




🕗 horaire

6-12-13, Place du Grand Sablon, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 512 37 42
site web: www.wittamer.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.841226, Longitude: 4.355146

commentaires 5

  • en

    Jimmy Osalla


    A great place to get a beautifully designed dessert that tastes just as wonderful. During the spring and summer, it is a great time to have a relaxing weekend brunch at Whittaker while admiring the beautiful view of the Sablon.

  • en

    guiming yang


    Excellent food and service, but the price is gorgeous expensive.

  • en

    Alexander Lau


    I did enjoy my breakfast here - sat at an outside table. However not value for money - bit pricey and service rather slow. Close to 50 euro for a breakfast for 2 (we each had a pastry, a smoked salmon filled brioche, and an individual desert tart. My companion had an orange juice also). Would have been significantly cheaper to take out - it's literally around half the price to not eat there. Can't fault the food much though.

  • Diego Buriti Araujo

    Diego Buriti Araujo


    Traditional desserts in Brussels. The place is amazing and the food is incredibly delicious. The best waffles I had in my life so far!

  • Thiago Guimarães Osório

    Thiago Guimarães Osório


    A great place. The best of are all kinds of desserts. The chocolate is pretty good and fancy. I do not find any really dark chocolate (90%). The infrastructure is really good. They just didn't help us with anything, but I this is a habit. A tourist place and recommended for sweet lovers

Boulangerie la plus proche

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