Wine Bar Mouchart de Elsene

BelgiqueWine Bar Mouchart



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11, Eugène Cattoirstraat, 1050, Elsene, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 640 12 88
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8205384, Longitude: 4.3867349

commentaires 5

  • Didier De Maeseneer

    Didier De Maeseneer


    So far, one of the best win bars in Brussels. The reason is very simple: The owner knows his stuff. You can tell that he's doing this job out of passion and loves what he's doing. Rare are those who loves what they do. Those places need to be cherished.

  • Viktor Dimitrov

    Viktor Dimitrov


    Friendly atmosphere, nice setting and a great selection of wines! A visit is definitely recommended.

  • donia Ibrahimi

    donia Ibrahimi


    Great athmostphere and very friendly and informative service. You can tell the employees are very skilled. Will definitely come back!

  • Pierre Dumont

    Pierre Dumont


    Great wine selection in this underground wine bar. Cozy feeling with high tables or rustic-feeling long tables. A small selection of really good local beers for people that don't like wines, and some spirits too. Some live performances too.

  • Andy Deacon

    Andy Deacon


    Superbly welcoming place, with a great selection of wines and super knowledgeable staff.

Bar la plus proche

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