Viaduct Park in Ixelles

BelgiëViaduct Park



🕗 openingstijden

133, Rue du Viaduc, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8345712, Longitude: 4.3743085

opmerkingen 5

  • Cathrine Hernández Festersen

    Cathrine Hernández Festersen


    A really nice oasis in a rather busy area. I didn't know about this hidden treasure for a long time - I think it is the same for others, that's probably why it is not as crowded add the other parks in Brussels.

  • Dana Stefan

    Dana Stefan


    It's a very small park and they do not allow pets. It also closes very early for some reason, so not really much to do here.

  • Emmanuel Crollen

    Emmanuel Crollen


    Tucked away behind the houses and along the railway this is a great park to come with toddlers. There are only 2 entrances so it’s easy to keep them from escaping. Moreover there is a small playground with toys you can borrow free of charge.

  • Sascha Brose

    Sascha Brose


    Hidden green gem along the rail tracks from Luxemburg station. It has two entrances (Rue du viaduc and Rue du sceptre, via a footbridge).

  • Andrés Orduz

    Andrés Orduz


    Great little​ park, generally quiet but for the occasional train passing

Park in de buurt

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