Vet & Cie Vétérinaires Delers Didier; Fontaine Jean Pol de Ixelles

BelgiqueVet & Cie Vétérinaires Delers Didier; Fontaine Jean Pol



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38, Rue Borrens, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 647 71 75
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8263752, Longitude: 4.377506

commentaires 5

  • Gabrielle Asami

    Gabrielle Asami


    Vétérinaires depuis des années, s'occupent trÚs bien des animaux, sont trÚs gentils, travaillent trÚs bien. Je suis cliente depuis 1987 et je les recommande, ils ont toujours trÚs bien soigné mes animaux. Vraiment parfait !

  • Ashlea Wainwright

    Ashlea Wainwright


    Great vet, all three are friendly and speak English. Would highly recommend

  • Sascha Brose

    Sascha Brose


    Great vet, who took good care of our cat. He speaks good English. You can buy animal food (Royal Canine) here too.

  • en

    Catherine Fasbender


    Sorry to read you had a bad experience. I've got 5 dogs and go there regularly, feel grateful for excellent services. Both Drs have always been extremely careful, generous with time and advice. They gave the right treatment, for a low price, to one of my dogs after I had paid an absurd amount of money, for poor results, at the vet clinic that is open on Sundays Av. Brugmann, in Uccle. So I personally have only good things to say and recommend these vets unreservedly.

  • Georgi Serdarov

    Georgi Serdarov


    Just paid 32 EUR here for a THREE-MINUTE regular dog VET check! Is that normal? Certainly not!

Soins vétérinaires la plus proche

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