VeloFixer Flagey de Ixelles

BelgiqueVeloFixer Flagey



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32, Place EugĂšne Flagey, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgien
contact téléphone: +32 493 33 44 43
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8286245, Longitude: 4.3725119

commentaires 4

  • en

    Jean Cmt


  • en

    Mark Polling


  • en

    HĂ©lĂšne Ziane


  • Rachel Gregory

    Rachel Gregory


    I have visited both the central location and the Flagey location of Velofixer and my experience has always been excellent. I was looking at buying a folding bike, and at the central location I was given a great demonstration of what was available, I had a (long) test ride and was given recommendations of where to ride it to try it out on a hill. I later ordered a bike and collected from Flagey. I arrived 10 minutes before closing but was not rushed at all, even when I struggled to unfold it the sales person gave me a patient demonstration and made sure I was safe. I've also had a wheel replacement done on another bike and was happy with that. I have been to a couple of other bike shops in Brussels but now I wouldn't go anywhere else!

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