Value Stay Brussels South de Rhode-Saint-Genèse

BelgiqueValue Stay Brussels South



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212, Chaussée de Waterloo, 1640, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Brabant Flamand, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 899 24 00
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.7446862, Longitude: 4.3942298

commentaires 5

  • en

    Gary stephenson


    Not the best hotel but a clean one

  • sebastian siretchi

    sebastian siretchi


    Clean, quite, near the forest, excellent for a good sleep while traveling.

  • Javier Leiva Aguilera

    Javier Leiva Aguilera


    Good place to crash.

  • Chuka Nwabunike

    Chuka Nwabunike


    Not such a nice place to stay. The ground floor corridor always smell cigarette and WiFi doesn't work in all rooms. There is a dedicated lift to the 4th floor which doesn't work always and there is no clear signage for alternative exit route making it very dangerous in case of an emergency. The numbers provided for emergence doesn't work during the day especially when you're trapped on the 4th floor as a result of the lift not working. Concierge/management are not friendly and doesn't care much for your plight. However, the room furnitures im are okay (kind of vintage) and the bathroom is good (modern). It is also located close to VKI which was where I was visiting at the time.

  • PetruÅ£ Iordăchescu

    Petruţ Iordăchescu


    On a weekend get-away we saw no reception staff, self-serve experience: keys in a safe, WiFi details printed, checkout postbox for keys. No towel change and low towel quality. Rooms are ample compared with other similar hotels. Chinese all-you-can-eat buffet on the ground floor. TL DR - good for a place to rest but not nice to spend time in. Bed, shower, breakfast with no fuss.

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