USE-IT de Brussel




🕗 horaire

25, Ravensteingalerij, 1000, Brussel, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8449974, Longitude: 4.3581175

commentaires 5

  • Kadir Şenkaya

    Kadir Şenkaya


    Great place to get information about city and grab free awesome maps!

  • Dario Gonzalez

    Dario Gonzalez


    Excellent spot just a few steps from central station! Luggage lockers, coffee, WI-Fi, power outlet... and everything for free! We arrived at Brussels a little before our hotel's check-in time, so we left our bags for a couple of hours while we walked around the city centre. The staff was really friendly and helpful. They also have city maps with real suggestions, not the tourists-only stuff.

  • en

    Regina Samsung


    This place is great! The Use-IT Brussels map made my trip here so much better! Added bonus: they have maps of other cities as well :D

  • Nicolas Marichal

    Nicolas Marichal


    For some reason, people who work for the tourist industry treat travellers as if they are not like themselves. As if they do not need honest answers and the best possible advice. USE-IT Brussels proves it can be different: real people just tell you where it's at and how to act like a local. Great map, great info centre, great volunteers.

  • Laetitia Habils

    Laetitia Habils


    Use-it is a nice place to hang-out, drink a free coffee or tea. They helped my discover the city :-) and they always now the best parties. The best maps of Brussels :-)

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