UGC Toison d'Or de Ixelles

BelgiqueUGC Toison d'Or


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8, Avenue de la Toison d'Or, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 289 71 35
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Latitude: 50.8377742, Longitude: 4.3610574

commentaires 5

  • Phil Ackley

    Phil Ackley


    Still one of the best cinema in town. If you come by car and park underground, don't forget that you can have a reduce price from the cinema.

  • Thibaut Colson

    Thibaut Colson


    Good price on Saturday morning. Movie theatre is decent but it is not normal to charge for bathrooms...

  • M V

    M V


    Attended a 19h00 screening of Barry Lyndon. Wonderful room, clean and cozy. Film began with an introduction which unnecessarily spoilered some integral scenes briefly but was well-made nonetheless. Projection was impeccable and worthy of the film's visual grace. Sound was ok. No ads (as this was a special screening), but the movie started late 25 min for no reason whatsoever. Also, usage of restrooms costs 40 ct even after buying a ticket.

  • en

    Gijs Steinmann


    No seat numbers was really the only thing I didn't like. The screens aren't as big as elsewhere, but still big enough for me. Sound was good.

  • Tom Pinnington

    Tom Pinnington


    I wish there were better cinema options so close to home, but alas. Quality of screens, seats, etc is not bad, not great. Pretty small screens indeed, but its a downtown cinema. My biggest complaint is 2 Euro for bloody 3D glasses? I thought at first it was like a deposit but I guess they just want me to keep the glasses until the next time I go to a 3D film which isn't often. This is not standard in UK, Canada, even the Wild West of the USA. Just recycle them like everywhere else does.

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