Torture Museum Oude Steen Brugge de Brugge

BelgiqueTorture Museum Oude Steen Brugge



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29, Wollestraat, 8000, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgia
contact téléphone: +32 50 73 41 34
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.2076176, Longitude: 3.2260951

commentaires 5

  • en

    Sam Philly


    It is the most interesting museum I have visited in Belgium.maybe because I am from Greece and I saw in my country all the most interesting museums. So many torture options. I was amazed.For adults it was sobering. For kids it was fascinating and titillating. The exhibits are factual and interesting without glorifying the violence. You leave informed without necessarily being entertained, but satisfied never the less.

  • Theresa S.

    Theresa S.


    Small museum that does what it says. Possibly not for the faint-hearted, because there are illustrations and vivid descriptions of what tool was used for what and how. However the museum does encourage reflection on the fact, that torture used to be and remains horrific, with some of it not being as far ago as we like to think. It's well worth your time and the admission fee, goosebumps are free.

  • it

    Antonio Ingianni


    Spaventoso (in senso buono)! Non troppo grande ma abbastanza completo.. prezzo dai 6 agli 8€. Vi viene fornita una guida scritta, tante lingue disponibili👍

  • nl

    Jessy Konings


    Een plek die zeker de moeite waard is als je meer wil te weten komen over de middeleeuwse straffen soms wel wat eng maar heel goed en zeer vriendelijke mensen

  • Jim Pickthall

    Jim Pickthall


    Only went in here as partners son was bored and he loves this sort of thing. Once i got in what a fantastic experience this was, full of great well explained exhibits. I hope to post some pictures soon. One word of warning though this is not for the squeamish some of the methods shown are truly horrific. A truly great visit

Musée la plus proche

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