The Plaza Hotel de Antwerpen

BelgiqueThe Plaza Hotel


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

49, Charlottalei, 2018, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 3 287 28 70
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.2078286, Longitude: 4.4194265

commentaires 5

  • en

    Nicolas Mz


    Very well located. Nice rooms

  • en

    Jesper Andersen


    Really nice hotel and so nice rooms

  • en



    Pros: nice clean rooms, great service, luxurious bathroom Cons: price, no kitchen, Internet could be better

  • James Terry-Collins

    James Terry-Collins


    Great room and comfy bed. Breakfast in the morning was delicious. Reception staff very helpful (loaned me a plug adaptor for free as I'd forgotten to bring mine). Even the bar was pretty reasonably priced (compared to the UK anyway!) Would definitely recommend for business travel to the city.

  • Joel Deutsch

    Joel Deutsch


    Hotel was very good. Nice. And clean. Wifi did not work most of the time I was there. ( For a week) And they did not seem to care to much. Parking is pretty expensive. Otherwise it's a good hotel!!!

Lodging la plus proche

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