The Mansion in Aalst

BelgiëThe Mansion



🕗 openingstijden

21, Stationsstraat, 9300, Aalst, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE België
contacten telefoon: +32 53 70 39 50
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.9417641, Longitude: 4.0381273

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    Een Google-gebruiker


    In the course of a year and a half I have stayed in this hotel almost every 15 days. I felt like home. Owner and his family are the people who represent true quality and value of this place, and I have the utmost pleasure to have been given a chance to meet them. The room was more than comfortable, and I had at disposal all the appliances traveller could need. Bathroom is also big, and comfortable, with good lighting. Internet was also a good point, and was available always, no matter what room and floor I was in. Breakfast was great and healthy, with everything one could need in the morning, and above all, I had peace at all times, without any noise, traffic, or disturbance, the street outside is was very quiet at any time. The traffic connections to anywhere are at 1.2 minutes to get on to; be it by train or by bus, to the entire Belgium. If you need to shop, or dine, everything is close by, also to mention a Cathedral. Every time I came to Belgium, I specifically instructed and asked my company travel coordinator to come to this hotel. My regards, to the owner and his family, this way also, I have only the best to say about his place. All the best, Vladimir P.C.

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