The Golden Fish de Mechelen

BelgiqueThe Golden Fish



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7, Nauwstraat, 2800, Mechelen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 15 20 72 06
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0262197, Longitude: 4.4773202

commentaires 5

  • Albert Knutsson

    Albert Knutsson


    Highly recommend for drinks.

  • Samuel Dunphy

    Samuel Dunphy


    Nice, casual and cosy bar in the quaint centre of Mechelen. Has a nice terrace on the river. Good selection of beers.

  • Rod North

    Rod North


    Quite simply one of the best pubs in Belgium. Justifiably popular can sometimes get crowded but you can usually find a table. Good range of beers. Superb atmosphere and decor.

  • jonas leupe

    jonas leupe


    Had a great time with the friends over here. After quite a walk, we spotted this bar from across the water, and decided to go in and have ourself a good cup of coffee or beer. Friendly people and nice atmosphere.

  • Christophe Lambrechts

    Christophe Lambrechts


    Great atmosphere and always some crowd to not make you feel alone.

Café la plus proche

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