The Glorious Inn de Antwerp

BelgiqueThe Glorious Inn



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4A, De Burburestraat, 2000, Antwerp, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 3 237 06 13
site web:
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Latitude: 51.2093791, Longitude: 4.3910656

commentaires 5

  • en

    Lars Van Elewijck


    Nice and comfy setting. Had great food and wine experience. The evening ended with the phrase 'een warm madeleineke', which we took with causion because we already ate way to much. But it was just a great finisher of the evening!

  • Tim Nijsmans

    Tim Nijsmans


    Quality food in agreeable setting

  • Raf Coekaerts

    Raf Coekaerts


    Lovely food! Great wines!

  • Guifré Molera

    Guifré Molera


    The place is cool and have a great atmosphere. A mixture between classic place with more trendy style. It's a perfect place for a romantic lunch/dinner. We had the 4-course menu. A total must based on the quality and price. The great surprise is that the quality of the dishes were just improving. The sole with prawn cream was excellent as well as the main course (quail). I also recommend to refresh the menu with one of the gin-tonics from their large selection.

  • en

    Paulina Perepelkin


    I was enjoying a late afternoon glass of wine when a drunk attacked me as 3-4 staff members were hanging out, laughing and enjoying themselves. No one from the staff tried to stop him, and no one came to check if I was ok. They just continued laughing and pouring champagne for the drunk and his group. And yes, they did see what happen - the bartender mumbled 'sorry' to me as I was paying my bill. The decor and the wine list is great, but the service is just horrible. I've never felt less safe at a 'nice' place before. Do not go, unless you are planning on visiting with your rugby buddies. Even then, there must be a place where the staff would care more about having drunks attacking patrons...

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