The Dog House Bruges in Brugge

BelgiëThe Dog House Bruges


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🕗 openingstijden

4, Verversdijk, 8000, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, BE Bélgica
contacten telefoon: +32
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.210261, Longitude: 3.2312633

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Gintare Dronseikaite


    Lovely place - very much recommended

  • en

    Paul A


    Lovely place to stay for the weekend. Very dog friendly, great breakfast, clean tidy and very cool rooms ! The owners are very helpful can’t ask for more :)

  • Mark Knighton

    Mark Knighton


    Nick and Susie were so welcoming and helpful. Great quiet spot overlooking the canal. Rooms are super large with one of the best beds I've ever slept in. Such a comfortable place to visit. Nick's full English breakfast is super tasty and the organic yoghurt and granola on offer is fantastic too. Couldn't recommend this place any more. Nice honesty system of a beer fridge downstairs with a great selection. Big hi to their awesome resident dogs Dexter and Roxy. If we ever return to Bruges, this is the only place we will need to book.

  • Tara Madden

    Tara Madden


    Beautiful stay at the doghouse, fantastic design and perfect touches everywhere, great breakfast and great time with Roxy and dexter!

  • en

    Nick Senecal


    I'm the owner! We offer bed, breakfast and free use of our beautiful hand made bikes. Our breakfast is the finest English breakfast in town.

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