The Coffee Club in Brussel

BelgiëThe Coffee Club



🕗 openingstijden

46/51, Avenue Fonsny, 1060, Brussel, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 520 14 46
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8355565, Longitude: 4.3345754

opmerkingen 5

  • Chris McNicholas

    Chris McNicholas


    Disgusting attitude of staff! I told the staff member responsible and he simply didn't care. Won't be buying anything here again.

  • Graham D

    Graham D


    Rude and surly staff! Such a shame, because in almost all the other places in Belgium I've been to everyone is great. There is no other choice for coffee once past security, so if you have to, go here. The quality was OK. I hope the owners can train staff to improve their customer service skills. I know it's very busy here but that's not really an excuse for being rude.

  • en

    Jelle Zethof


    My experience here was alright, the personnel wasn't particularly friendly but the prices where decent.

  • manuela sanna

    manuela sanna


    Disappointing selection of food where you would expect something more typical - like more bakery style. Espresso coffee was nice. The two shopping assistant snob and arrogant. I asked for my croissant to be warmed up - because it was just a taken off from the fridge - and they out it in the microwave. As a result the croissant was super hot, extra soft and obviously 2 minutes after it was impossible to be eaten. I have not asked for a refund or anything but informed the ladies that they should at least inform the client and they replied with such a attitude that I was glad they are not my employees. Overall bad experience. The croissant was thrown away sadly.

  • Leesa Lovell

    Leesa Lovell


    I ordered a Bagel with Omelette, smoked bacon and melted cheese. Pretty basic with a bland taste. Don't waste your money!!

Bakkerij in de buurt

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