The Bar in Brussel

BelgiëThe Bar



🕗 openingstijden

10, Korte Boterstraat, 1000, Brussel, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 476 83 49 10
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8477863, Longitude: 4.3518519

opmerkingen 5

  • Dimitri Juan Garcia Goldfeld

    Dimitri Juan Garcia Goldfeld


    Chouette endroit. Bon karaoke tous les vendredi soir

  • el

    Αλεξης Γκλαβερης


    Εξάγουμε πολιτισμό εδώ και 5000 χρόνια. Πολύ μπροστά το μαγαζί. Εύγε

  • Puvanesvaran Nadarajoo

    Puvanesvaran Nadarajoo


    Not a soul in sight and the bartender is too busy doing his own things to entertain his only customer

  • Le Ching

    Le Ching



  • Nikolaos Stergiannis

    Nikolaos Stergiannis


    One of the best places to party in Brussels ! No matter if you are coming from Greece or not, this place will offer you a night to remember (or not - if you consider the drinks!). Must visit on a Saturday night when a Greek party will take place and make sure to cancel all your tasks for Sunday since you will leave only after the sunshine. Music will cover even the most demanding people, offering sounds from classic rock, house, reggae, salsa and samba to the latest UK and Greek pop hits !

Bar in de buurt

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