Tesla in Bruxelles




🕗 openingstijden

49, Avenue de la Toison d'Or, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 503 45 61
website: www.tesla.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.83576, Longitude: 4.356264

opmerkingen 5

  • Nikos Loxas

    Nikos Loxas


    Very helpful and enthusiastic personnel, eager to share Tesla's electric revolution.

  • Patrick Merlevede

    Patrick Merlevede


    This store made some mistakes when it comes to delivery, but luckily is was solved by the Belgian "headquarters" - if there is an other Tesla store closer to you, don't choose Brussels

  • atan two

    atan two


    Professional and nice representative. A bit overcrowded (undersized), needed to wait for minutes to ask some questions

  • Arnaud Degueldre

    Arnaud Degueldre


    Place looks very nice, and a tesla model S as well as the usual "newest car" skeleton with the the batteries are shown. Only down side was that there was only one sales guy, who looked very committed to the clients he was speaking to (which is good) only down side, we waited 30 minutes and never got to talk with the guy, and so we left.

  • John Kaltsogiannis

    John Kaltsogiannis


    Excellent customer service. Great products

Autohandelaar in de buurt

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