Tayba Trading de Anderlecht

BelgiqueTayba Trading



🕗 horaire

129, Bergensesteenweg, 1070, Anderlecht, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 466 37 57 46
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8428807, Longitude: 4.3320921

commentaires 5

  • en

    Hicham hasan


    They have all what you need

  • en

    Yousef Azmi


    Syrian grocery store, every thing you might need, you can find there. The majority of products are syrian and Turkish. Ideal store for orient kitchen needs. You can pay by cash, bank cards and sodexo is allowed too. Staff are so friendly people, you just need to ask and they will advise and help. Orders on mobile also possible, as the parking is quit difficult in the neighborhood, especially on Saturday and Sunday. By the way the store is opened in weekends and opening hours from 8:00 to 20:00

  • Mohammed Alhamed

    Mohammed Alhamed


    Cheep Arabic product :) perfect place to find everything you need

  • Mohamad Bshayr

    Mohamad Bshayr


    Like it

  • nisar el mourabi

    nisar el mourabi


    He has most essential alimentary food,

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