Tan in Ixelles




🕗 openingstijden

95, Rue de l'Aqueduc, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgia
contacten telefoon: +32 2 537 87 87
website: www.tanclub.org
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8242277, Longitude: 4.3589342

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Gaelle Geukens


    Absolute top for healthy food lovers. For smart and beautiful ppl ;))) lol. The place is lovely, the ppl as well. High high quality food in the restaurant. Real gastronomie. Also the shop is open till 23.00. Where else can you find that in bxl ?

  • Mikaël Van Eeckhoudt

    Mikaël Van Eeckhoudt


    Tan, c'est bien plus qu'un resto. C'est une expérience du goût. Tout est raffiné, chaque bouchée est un plaisir, tout est frais car fait maison. C'est pas bon marché mais pour une telle qualité et un tel plaisir, le prix est juste.

  • Bernard Hansen

    Bernard Hansen


    Nice place. Good food. Not only veggie but other things as well. Prepare 100 -120 euros. And yes i would go back ;)

  • Patrick Frenay

    Patrick Frenay


    Uma loja bem abastecida de produtos Bio com um restaurante acima. Comida saborosa e atendimento amigável. Vale o preço um pouco alto.

  • Rodney Hunter

    Rodney Hunter


    Loved this place. Great vegetarian food, friendly and good service, and a nice location above a health food store (that's one thing to know -- you go into the healthfood store and walk to the back and up some stairs to get here, a bit confusing but worth it!). You should definitely make a reservation in advance (easy to do online) as this place fills up quickly in the evenings.

Restaurant in de buurt

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