Tadema de Halle




🕗 horaire

661, Ninoofsesteenweg, 1500, Halle, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 361 10 20
site web: www.thermentadema.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.7438651, Longitude: 4.2011547

commentaires 5

  • en

    Florise Delrue


    Nice sauna and steam baths but swimming pool, jacuzzis and terrace must be refurbished. A little bit old fashioned. Friendly staff.

  • en

    Verjans Sam



  • Nazare Construct

    Nazare Construct


    Low preices and very relaxing place

  • Bob Ward

    Bob Ward


    Long time member and happy to go and relax there. On top, the restaurant is great and worth a visit!

  • en

    Mikomi Hokina


    I discovered the place via a Bingo I bought for my mom's birthday. We went there without really knowing what to expect; first time spa for me. The staff is mainly speaking dutch but their french is really good! We were recieved with a smile and enthousiasm. The thing is really simple: put all the things you buy on your key number. Nothing to carry, a center really clean, the hammam is big and there's 3 saunas! One small inside jacuzzi and an outside one for around 25 people. There's much to do, they have a nap room... this is heaven Program when you go there: - Try out all the chill places - Eat at their delicious restaurant(even kind of cheap for the amount you get) - Be full and go in the heated nap room - Go back to sauna/ice pool/sauna/ice pool Repeat until satisfied!

SPA la plus proche

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