't Hoekske de Gent

Belgique't Hoekske



🕗 horaire

Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
1, Kortrijksepoortstraat, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 9 224 24 70
site web: www.snackbarthoekske.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0460045, Longitude: 3.7222571

commentaires 5

  • Spyros Nik

    Spyros Nik


    Very low quality ingredients, food with just passable or even poor taste, and one of the most filthy and astonishingly rude food-preparing personnel I've ever seen: they almost always make food or sandwiches while handling money, and once the lady that made my sandwich was playing with a customer's dog - and DIDN'T bother to wash her hands afterwards. When I asked her for a new one after she had washed her hands, I finally managed to get one after quarrelling with her, two more ladies and the manager (??!?). Stay away.

  • Maarten De Pue

    Maarten De Pue


    Not the coziest of places, but a great place to fall back on after a long night partying or working. The lasagna does miracles for a hungry man.

  • en

    Morten Smedegaard


    Open 24 hours when open. Good food and low prices. Very handy if you've been out for a good night before you go home or continue or if you are just eating late. Fresh food and also making sandwiches for handed over to the street. Recommendable for you who don't have so high demands.

  • Shivam Sahu

    Shivam Sahu


    Ordered a Kipcurry with Rice at €10.5 for the takeaway. The date mentioned on the pack was 15 days before the ordered date. The food was soiled and smelled very badly. They have the pre-cooked food deep-freezed in a freezer and will only microwave it upon your order. Really disappointed with the food and their poor customer service. Noteworthy to add is that upon notifying this to the waitress, her attitude towards acknowledging this mistake was pathetic.

  • Dimitris Danampasis

    Dimitris Danampasis


    The food is ok, BUT they had a DOG in the restaurant next to the kitchen...the waitress first was touching the dog and then she was serving the customers. Moreover the dog was shaking and drooling inside the bar. Completely no sense of hygiene.

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