Sue's Waskot de Leuven

BelgiqueSue's Waskot



🕗 horaire

70, Diestsesteenweg, 3010, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 484 77 62 61
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8836033, Longitude: 4.7188836

commentaires 3

  • Adam Lane

    Adam Lane


    Clean, quiet, nice place for laundry. Very nice owners! Recommend! Also has drop off and pick up service by Sue.

  • Wouter Bam

    Wouter Bam


    Good laundromat. It has a soap dispenser (dispenses soap into a cup), a change machine and a vending machine for drinks. It has 5 small (6kg) and 2 large (12kg) washing machines as well as 4 driers. One of the large washing machines and one of the driers were out of order, but equipment seemed to be of a relatively good quality in general. When phoning the store regarding a query at night, no-one immediately answered. However, the manager called me back half an hour later and seemed quite friendly. The laundromat is in a busy street close to a Night Shop.

  • Filip Weymans

    Filip Weymans


    Clean place - looks like they just invested in new equipment and the prices are top. Comparing the various saloons in Leuven this looks to be the best deal in terms of price

Blanchisserie la plus proche

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