Stock Literie Vente d'Usine in Ixelles

BelgiëStock Literie Vente d'Usine



🕗 openingstijden

189, Chaussée d'Ixelles, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 513 19 76
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.832278, Longitude: 4.3667539

opmerkingen 5

  • Perception TMS

    Perception TMS


    Des prix professionnels très abordables pour une qualité irréprochable et tout ça avec le service.

  • fr

    Ola ketal


    Le vendeur est très sympathique et de bons conseils. Il y a un large choix de matelas pour tout les budgets.

  • Naci Budak

    Naci Budak


    J’ai acheté un super matelas de la gamme Galeway de Stanford ! Super confort j’ai un réel plaisir à dormir merci Stock literie pour les bon conseil judicieux, et pour votre bonne sympathie.

  • en

    Steve O'Byrne


    Great variety of beds and mattresses. Very helpful staff

  • Pedro Duque Saramago

    Pedro Duque Saramago


    They will tell you anything to get your business. For every worry, they'll have an excuse to sell you a Medium Bultex Mattress. It's all they want you to buy - no other mattresses is good enough! Ask around for soft or firm mattresses, they will have 1 or 2 too firm or too soft options, to steer you towards the "right option": the same Medium Bultex Mattress they try to sell on everybody. In the end, they will ask you for 30€ for a mattress cover. In my case, they even told me it was a "legal requirement" for the warranty to get the mattress cover and that I had to get it. I just walked out... Just ask yourself: What the hell is Bultex? Why is there no Wikipedia page for Bultex in English? I'm sorry, this is just a regular latex mattress. Go in knowing these people are not honest, will say whatever it gets for you to make a purchase, you will be cheated, they will never exchange a mattress and will try to avoid complying with the warranty at all cost. Avoid at all cost.

Huisgoederenwinkel in de buurt

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