Starbucks in Bruxelles




🕗 openingstijden

Boulevard du Jardin Botanique, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8555972, Longitude: 4.3587166

opmerkingen 5

  • fr

    Zoulikha ElhamQa


    Super endroit, accueil au top, et servi par un barista (algérien?) trÚs serviable, respectueux envers une personne agée comme moi ! Merci jeune homme :D

  • Erika Hendrickx

    Erika Hendrickx


    Personnel au top, et boissons comme d’habitude excellentes. C’est la premiĂšre fois qu’on avait Ă©crit correctement mon prĂ©nom, c’est un Ă©vĂ©nement Ă  fĂȘter!

  • Pedro Barros Valenzuela

    Pedro Barros Valenzuela


    Traveler choice. Lots of seats, toilets, fast WiFi and good coffee (Starbucks lvl). Fast service, clean store and wide variety of food.

  • Kayli PĂ”der

    Kayli PÔder


    Starbucks- just like all the others. Small, simple but still elegant in it's own way would be the words to explain this specific one. It has good service and good option of coffee and all the alternatives. Nice place to just grab a coffee to go!

  • Mansee Sharma

    Mansee Sharma


    Just outside Rogier metro station this cafe steals the eyes on being located at a prime location with unique architecture. Liked the Cafe Grande here. Options to sit on an elevated level, or ground floor or even an outdoor seating. Chirpy place good enough to stop by for a coffee as all starbucks. Thanks - the staff understands English as well so basically beneficial for travellers.

Cafe in de buurt

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