Spullenhulp de Ixelles




🕗 horaire

101, Rue Américaine, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 537 30 26
site web: www.petitsriens.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8229532, Longitude: 4.3594736

commentaires 5

  • Anne Pierlot

    Anne Pierlot


    Used clothes and books and games and furniture. They employ people who have difficulties. At the "American" street you can find the main shop, but you can find smaller shops all around the city. Right there in Ixelles, i recommand you also to visit "Lilly cup" for their famous cupcakes (rue du Page 65) and Benoît Nihant for a chocolate bar (Chaussée de Waterloo 506).

  • Esther Snippe

    Esther Snippe


    This is Brussel’s biggest used clothing (and everything....) location. Perfect for people looking to move towards a more zero waste lifestyle and save a few euros.

  • en

    Le Pumpkin


    Two times i had the same issue with the guy from the cash desk. I believe he has a big problem with good deals or he his very frustrated. Usually the prices are very high, but if you look deep enough, you can find very good deals. But when you find good deals, and it happend twice for me, i had an issue with the person from the cash desk. He always told me that the price i have to pay which was mention on the object is not correct, and actually i have to pay more because there was an error. He estimated himself the price on the desk. I told him that i was not going to pay such amount for an object and i am going to pay exactly the amount that was mentioned on the object. He started to raise his voice at me and i told him that i want to talk with the his responsable. The manager came look at the object and told him that the price which was listed was the correct price. During the time all the people around looked at us like it was a show. Today it happened again. I bought 2 same articles. I paid for them. And at the end he told me that i need to stop leaving, because i paid for 2 articles and he counted 1. I told him that on the ''bon de comande'' is written the name of the objects and the price. And he told me that the price is just for 1 piece not 2. The object it selfish has no plural in french, but is written the same for singular or plural, and nobody written 2xobject. So he insisted that i have to pay one more time. I told him that is not correct, and if this is not the case i want my money back, because i am not going to pay 2 times the same objects. He said that is impossible, because there is an article on the cash desk that objects bought are not refundable. I told him ok, but i am not going to pay again. He said that he can't let me leave with both objects, only if i pay the second, if not i have to take just 1. In the end i payed for both, because I wanted both of them. But the guy has definitely a problem with good deals. Just for you to know in case you will have the same problem: he wears a cap and gray beard. The rest of the people which are working there are very pleasant and helpful.

  • Laurent Derijck

    Laurent Derijck


    This is a place to get used furnitures, clothes, objects, books etc. This is a charity, the aim is to help people in need. You can also come and give your old stuff and clothes instead of throwing these away - and as long these are in good enough state of course. Here they may get a second life and you do a good action!

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    Jean-Marie Van Strydonck


    Worthwhile browsing through; often good finds at really interesting prices!

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