Sportsdirect Leuven BE de Leuven

BelgiqueSportsdirect Leuven BE



🕗 horaire

70, Diestsestraat, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 16 89 13 02
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8804125, Longitude: 4.706153

commentaires 5

  • Weiyan Low

    Weiyan Low


    Very helpful staff!

  • Julian Stoev

    Julian Stoev


    Sports stuff. Some good finds in the reasonable price segment, which is welcome in the relatively expensive Leuven.

  • Harsh Tayal

    Harsh Tayal


    There are so many people working here but so few are ready to stand behind the cash desk. Good example of hiring more people than they actually need. Most of them just keep counting clothes on the same rack. what is that all about?

  • Stef



    It is an outlet store. The system the staff runs is kind of chaotic and confusing. But look around and you get great deals.

  • en

    Ruben Pauwels


    Fairly big shop for sport clothing and accessories. The clothing section can be a bit 'messy' especially during the discount period. Cheap prices overall.

Magasin de chaussures la plus proche

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