Spoonful of India de Evere

BelgiqueSpoonful of India



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Avenue des Désirs, 1140 Evere, België
contact téléphone: +32 467 66 92 88
site web: www.spoonfulofindia.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.859713, Longitude: 4.411785

commentaires 4

  • Indrajit Paul

    Indrajit Paul


    Good food. Tasty stuff. The bengali specialities are just awesome!

  • en

    Sayoni Das


    First and foremost .... I love the earnestness and hardworking nature of Sangeeta the chef. I have known her for an year, she is an extremely warm and caring person, and would cater to the ppl she serves keeping in mind their health, age and choices - this I am very sure. My husband is a converted non vegetarian, and like any new non-veggie has despised the smell and taste of Fish. For me Mutton has always been hard to swallow. But Sangeeta's cooking( Spoonful of India) not only broke our reluctance , but also made us love and enjoy fish and mutton. My husband is a fan of her fish fingers and I can lick a plate of sangeeta's mutton biriyani clean. Cant thank u enough Spoonful of India aka Sangeeta.

  • en

    Pinky Ray


  • Krishanu DE

    Krishanu DE


    Amazing home cooked food. If you are in search for authentic Indian food especially in Bengali cuisine then your search ends here. Order a day in advance and pick up the food next day. It's that simple! ;)

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