Spiralus Lavoir in Bruxelles

BelgiëSpiralus Lavoir



🕗 openingstijden

62, Rue Blaes, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgique
contacten telefoon: +32 2 735 15 33
website: www.spiralus.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8396679, Longitude: 4.3495814

opmerkingen 5

  • Mario Fernandes

    Mario Fernandes



  • aurore paquay

    aurore paquay


  • Andrés Orduz

    Andrés Orduz


    Dryers did a poor job, took 40 minutes to dry a medium load

  • Lyndal B.

    Lyndal B.


    If you're staying near the Sablon this is handy. There are small and large machines, a small machine token is €3.50, and tokens for the driers are €0.65 for 8min of dryer time. The token machine accepts notes and coins. There is also a vending machine for washing powder, you'll need around €1 per wash in coins.

  • Chris Beenhouwer

    Chris Beenhouwer


    You need to be able to read French or just be able to make lucky guesses on the vending machine that dispenses soap and fabric softner. The more expensive ones are soaps. Second, you need to shove bills or coins into a token machine. Jeton means token. You'll need the 3€ coin (about)for the machine and the 1€ coin for the dryer.

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