Spades 4 in Brussel

BelgiëSpades 4


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🕗 openingstijden

23, Bodegemstraat, 1000, Brussel, BE België
contacten telefoon: +32 2 502 07 72
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8438798, Longitude: 4.3425879

opmerkingen 5

  • Richard.P. Weijens.

    Richard.P. Weijens.



  • fr

    Ludowic liza


    Je reviens juste de se sauna du 17/1/16 et je peut vous dire que le lieu que j'ai connu il y de cela 5 ans a bel et bien disparu l’état de propreté général c'est transformer en vraie nid a microbe sauna devenu moins entretenu piscine qui ne fonctionne plus donc direct trou béant sans eaux qui ne sert a rien bien sur vous êtes averti a l'entré mais ne vous fiez pas vous paierez quand même le prix plus fort de 18€ l'odeur de moisissure dans le hammam ne donne pas envie d'y entrer plafond qui s’écroule donc comme client insatisfait j'ai essayer d'en parler avec le serveur qui lui me fait comprendre que le bâtiment est en vente donc j'en déduit que les efforts ne se feront plus un soit disant gérant un peu plus menaçant de mon mécontentement de la tenue de l’établissement il me sort un " si t pas content tu va voir ailleurs " et me lance en attendant "tu ferme ta gueule t dans mon établissement et je fais ce je veux " waouh quel politesse en attendant je n'ai jamais étais discourtois ni énervé mais je présume que mon avis et celui d'un gars avant moi l'a un peu agacé et bien évidemment je suis parti illico, soit au final vous comprendrez que je ne vous le recommande pas n'ai qu'un seul mot fuyez allez voir ailleurs je précise que cela n'engage que moi mais si vous vous voulez vous en rende compte par vous même allez y et n’hésiter pas a mettre votre commentaire de surcroit vous aurez tout le temps de vérifier mes dire du fait des 6 clients qu'on était donc pas prêt d’être bousculer sauna spade 4 de Bruxelles quasi désert je ne le recommande pas du tout allez voir ailleurs de toute façon peut vous dire serais pas étonner si je viendrais a apprendre sa fermeture définitive ou s'il on peu souhaiter un bon repreneur qu'il relève le niveau de qualité qu'a connu cette établissement en ses heures de gloire et de bonne esprit convivial , mais sa c’était avant ...hélas !!!!

  • en

    Reinaldo Córdoba


    I visited this sauna last Wednesday night. When I arrived I asked to the desk man, a bald, thin guy, if there were people inside. He replied "yes, yes, always, always", and by his face expression I assumed the place was packed. Well, inside there were like 10 people, no more. All men were really unattractive. Average age was 40, I was the only one in his 20s. I still stayed and entered the hammam. Inside, I asked to a local why so few people in that sauna on a Wednesday, which is the day that it costs the cheapest. He said that everyone now is going to another sauna called "Machos". He told me that there is more action, music with DJ, younger audience and is more centrally located (Spades 4 is in a really dodgy neighbourhood, specially at night, so that's easy to top). It was a bit painful to have this information in my last night in Brussels. After the hammam I was thirsty, so I went to the bar to order a glass of tap water. The guy, who was the same bald, thin guy of the desk, opened a big bottle of water and poured some in a glass for me. I was surprised by his kindness, when I just wanted tap water. There was nothing to do in that sauna, and I was bored. The facilities sucked: the pool is quite big but water is cold. Upstairs they have a jacuzzi with cool water as well (¿?). The men were supergay and I didn't want to have sexual encounters with them. I put on my clothes to leave. But I couldn't. The desk man said I had to pay 2.50 euros for my consumption. Which consumption?, I asked. "The glass of water". I was really surprised. I have been to quite a lot of places, and I have never in my life been charged for a glass of water. I asked him why he didn't just give me a bottle of water, if he was going to charge me a whole consumption. "What you ordered was a glass of water". It was absurd. I really dislike when a business is dishonest and untransparent with his clientele. He perfectly knew I was ordering and expecting a free glass of tap water. He perfectly knew that my question when I arrived was if there were people inside, but he chose to answer me a big lie. Anyway, with or without lies, this place is still not worth it and for me it was a big waste of time and money. Do I need to say I don't recomment it? I will never come back.

  • Gay Trotter

    Gay Trotter


    Not clean. Area around is unpleasant. What a silly idea to locate a gay sauna in this neighbourhood.

  • Sirius Lime

    Sirius Lime


    Tout ce qu'est besoin.

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