Sounds Jazz Club in Elsene

BelgiëSounds Jazz Club



🕗 openingstijden

28, Tulpstraat, 1050, Elsene, BE België
contacten telefoon: +32 2 512 92 50
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8342665, Longitude: 4.3670641

opmerkingen 5

  • Javier Mateos

    Javier Mateos


    El último sitio que queda vivo en Bruselas ara escuchar un buen concierto de jazz de lunes a sábado. Bravo. Servicio rápido y cocina abierta hasta media noche. El dueño es todo un personaje...

  • Tina Biswas

    Tina Biswas


    Good music jazz, rock n roll, good atmosphere. Good fun for a night out.

  • Boulodrome 70

    Boulodrome 70


    Café concert sympa pour amateur de Jazz et blues music. Personnel peu accueillant et nourriture(italienne) pas en rapport avec le prix ! Dommage...!

  • Kudret Solmaz

    Kudret Solmaz


    STAY AWAY from here. Extremely expensive drinks (if they understand that you are a tourist they double the prices) and you can't even breathe inside. Shame Bar of Brussels! There is much better places and music in that area. If you want a make a mistake and go there: be sure that don't forget anything. Because they don't give it back, they don't even look fot it!!! STAY. AWAY. EVER.

  • en

    Bambi Springinsfeld


    Extremely expensive drinks, not a place to have fun. Just to sit down, listening to music and barely breathing. Some people even shushed us. I'll never come back.

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